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Welcome to your dashboard! Each submission or application that we receive from you will appear below in one of two tables. Click on the green registration number to see the details of each. You can then edit, add, and update info including photos and other files. Be sure to use the same email address for ALL subsequent submissions to ensure they all appear in your dashboard.


Registration Registry Owner Name Horse Name DNA Case Rush Payment Days since applied Status
Registration Registry Owner Name Horse Name DNA Case Rush Payment Days since applied Status

Other Submissions

Reg# Submission Type Animal Seller signature & submission Buyer signature & submission DNA Case Date Started Expiration Date Status
Reg# Submission Type Animal Seller signature & submission Buyer signature & submission DNA Case Date Started Expiration Date Status


Incomplete -Missing: 3 photos or less, payment, Breeder Certification, DNA sample

B/S Signatures Needed -Missing Breeder and/or Sire Owner signatures & contact info.

In Review -All required info submitted, awaiting DNA or staff approval.

Complete - Approved and permanent certificate issued.